All owners of U.S. built Ford Falcons may register your car(s) into the Falcon Registry for FREE.
By doing so, you help document the remaining Ford Falcons and enable the preservation of these simple,
yet beautifully designed automobiles.
In order to register your Falcon(s), you will need complete information from your Data Plate located on the drivers side
door edge. You cannot register with just a VIN number! If your car no longer has a Data Plate, I do offer a
VIN to Data Plate Decipher Service. to help you
recover your data codes and allow you to get a new Data Plate made.
This form will not accept incomplete data so, be sure to have your complete codes before attempting to Register. Registration is
only for U.S.A. built Ford Falcons. Codes for Canadian and Austrailian built Falcons will not work here.
Note: This is a ONE TIME registration for each car you enter. If you need to make a change
to your entry, due to a typing mistake, or need your entry deleted due to the sale of your car, send an
to me and I will remove or update your entry as requested. Also, I will delete incomplete or bogus registration entries.